Monday, January 26, 2009

"Give it up! I was a track star for Mineola Prep."

"Give it up! I was a track star for Mineola Prep."

So what if a poem can't "be got at with one reading.." --surely something is gonna get on with the the earnesty to "take your chances and avoid being logical" --

Personism implies the function of aries -- like happens through [in-ur-shuh] in a velociraptor vacuum -- implies a.) the property of matter by which poet retains set state of velocity so long as un acted upon by set external force be it sunshine docks bay god bagel-- there is no forethought and no regret -- instinctual action warrants instant rewards unlike formulas persistant in the pace of the fittest winged renegade of freedom -- for regret is not in the flow and you shouldn't be either way
Last night someone told me that nature is perfect a dot or something, maybe tetrahedral blot marks -- i still can't remember why she said room last time
they said
i actually really like Frank O'Hara, i talk to him while i ride my bike and i quote personism to my imaginary wind friends

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