Thursday, January 29, 2009

biological radio

there is nothing inherent in being disincarnate
that in and of itself implies the presence of any
greater intelligence!


  1. post it note on my pot of tea
    please me to not empty tea please kkknnnnicco
    post it note on my pot of tea
    save p l z or is it page thirteen?
    yes mayeress, there is a page thirteen

    spontaneous (corn mother) they grow their mother corn and drag her ass across the land
    spontaneous (corn mother) nicco &(kkknnniiiko) and him come
    for platers and see my note (What EEEESSSAAH)
    this must have fallen from a book we were rushing pot it note on my pot of tea how did it ev-- we have to find what's on page thirteen NOW find it NOW whatever book and needles (fell to the ground in the procession forward)

    post it note on my pot of p
    save me save please save cornmother save
    green mountain meds. they grow their corn like we grow our herb(s) we've got kynd

    fresh young coconut takes hand lotion
    and sugarly tea - honest Lee and Faithful John how ill i have requited great fidelity
    her cute faith when i told her kasey read
    that yay the boy even jumped on the window

    the dead playin in the tape deck and i'm all too hot to ride the bike heart shaped muffins make the night fresh young coconut takes corn mother on her ass now as much herb varieties as corn blue inca quinoa corn
    did i mention dog food biscuits (organic) (33 C / lbs)

  2. this is actually from kkknniiiko (transmiscous)

    she says "its like all the page thirteens fit in ina perfect (biological radio what) fit in ina perfect

    biogenetic structualism for the scientifically oriented audience
    extradordinary experiences
    fictitious scenario..she says fic-titty-iz, what's that word again nicco again rhymes with tittyiz

    thanks for that dear nicco -EESSAAAAHH here (like in class) -- i tune back into her conversation over there with him on the couch reading page thirteen again necessity for revitalyzing the approach like you it experience it monnh
    be more open journeyr shit on western b oundaries go west end of niccos transmission]
